
🎭St. Louis Shakespeare Festival

You are invited to a free performance of THE TEMPEST at CARONDELET PARK on 8/3 at 6:30 p.m. It would be appreciated if you could share this with the people you know!

I’ve attached a social media graphic with your park date. You can also visit stlshakes.org/the-tempest and the Park Toolkit for details and the full tour schedule.


The St. Louis Shakespeare Festival presents the adventure of the summer and a larger-than-life production of Shakespeare’s most enchanting romance, The Tempest, coming soon to 24 parks across the metro area. Join us for this magical island tale full of mischief and revenge plots of epic proportions. Directed by Tom Ridgely.

Each Tour CO performance is 90 minutes and begins at 6:30 p.m. with a brief introduction to the show. Free in 24 Parks across Missouri and Illinois, open to all ages.

Learn More 

About Holly Hills

Founded in 1927, Holly Hills is one of the premier neighborhoods in St. Louis. Our neighborhood can sometimes seem like a small town. Neighbors know and look out for one another. Many residents have lived in the neighborhood their entire lives. Kids who move away from Holly Hills as adults often come back when they start a family.

Learn more about the History of Holly Hills.

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